Hello, I would like to introduce myself as the Huddersfield Star Wheelers Welfare and Safeguarding Officer.  I’m here for everyone participating in and spectating in the great sport of cycling. It’s my role to ensure we maintain high standards in relation to children, young people, and adults at risk participating in cycling, allowing peace of mind for all and ensuring that everyone has a fun, enjoyable, and safe experience whilst being a member of our club.

My focus is to advise ride leaders and you, as a Huddersfield Star Wheelers member, to ensure you feel supported and welcomed at any of the club’s events. We aim to be inclusive and friendly to all members, no matter what your experience or ability.

As the welfare and safeguarding officer, I have a wealth of experience working in education for over 20 years in senior management positions, including being the designated safeguarding officer. In addition, I am the safeguarding officer for Yorkshire Cyclocross. I’m also experienced in working with learners and adults with special educational needs and young people involved in the judicial system.

We all have a unique reason for attending or participating in sports; it’s important that you and everyone else feel safe. If you have a concern, this can be discussed at the event with the race organiser. If your concern isn’t resolved to your satisfaction, you are able to contact me. Based on your concerns, it may mean I need to conduct an investigation or report the concerns to other agencies, including British Cycling.

If you wonder what sort of things could be discussed with a safeguarding officer, it could include being made to feel uncomfortable at race, being the victim of verbal or physical aggression, hearing a parent being cross or over enthusiastic in their encouragement of children, or children who are being forced to race when they don’t want to.

On the very rare occasion that a serious concern is raised, it’s my responsibility to manage and report concerns about children or adults at risk and to put in place safeguarding procedures. It is important to highlight, safeguarding and safety of all our club members  is everyone’s responsibility, look after each other and be kind.

I can be contacted at any time by e-mail.

Warmest regards
